
Showing posts from 2017

Final Report

Check here: CURRENCY DETECTION FOR THE BLIND Abstract — As the name suggests, the problem we are trying to solve is a simple one — to detect a paper currency and output the result as speech. We take in an image — maybe from the webcam, use video stream from a phone or a simple photo that is taken and shared to the computer — the testing data. We extract certain features from this and match them against a set of training data. We finally match them and say if there is a match and if there is, say what denomination the input image’s note is of. Finally we output the result in the form of voice. The technique is as follows — We used opencv3 - python3 for programming. For image acquisition we used a scanner and pre-processed it - crop it. This was included in our training set. For the testing set we captured photos from a phone and used it[1].  Next up was to ...

Week 12

Greetings after a long time! The work for the project has finally started. We have successfully installed opencv3-python3 (which was actually quite tedious). We have started reading the paper and trying to implement the basic parts. Currently, we're in the process of learning opencv. We'll be updating our work in this [ currency-detector-opencv ] GitHub repo. - Suhas K

Week 6

Greetings! Welcome to this Blog where we'll update our work on Digital Image Process - Mini Project. The topic that we try to implement - "Indian Paper Currency Authentication System using Image processing" . This is an accepted IEEE paper from IJSRET journal (2015). -THuS, a team [Tejas, Harshith, und Suhas - a team]